Thursday, February 7, 2013

Painting Elective

On the first day of the Painting Elective we researched new artists using magazines and books and talked about what we like and hated and why. We were giving certain colours and had to bring in objects the same colour.Then we began making 'constructions' or instillation's using everybodys objects (plus any other object in the room like tables) and discussed why they worked and how, for example, complimenting/clashing colours, lines and angles and changing the 'plains'.
One of the last construcions to be made in the room.

We had to move around the room and around the construstions/instilations and record parts using small thumbnail drawings and paint. To start we had to use only one tone created from the three primarys (brown) and use a credit card to record the toppled tables. Then we moved onto using three tones, a light, middle and dark tone again made from the three primary colours and used pallete knives. Ater recording and painting several pictures, we moved onto using secondary and complimentary colours and then eventually onto full colour.

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