Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26th: Sense my Space

At the group tutorial, I was directed to look at some artists that use similar approaches to my idea. I would like to continue in the direction of using the bioluminescence, by placing LED's into a clear,transparent cast or mould, maybe resin. I was also directed to try using a hot glue gun on laminate sheets and then when it dries, to peel it off, creating half of a 'mould'. I have to be realistic about getting to 'blow' glass to make my work. I will continue to think about this idea of bio electricity. I will continue to research artists. I have been advised to look at Karen Nicol and I find her work inspiring in the way she uses textiles to create little worlds and I would love to give textiles a go as I have never tried it and also maybe 'scultp' jellyfish from other materials.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25th: Sense My Space

Today I decided to make a double helix made from wire just to test the idea of having the small, microscopic inner workings of the human,eg. DNA, or blood cells.
I have decided to draw the organs seperately and as detailed as I can in order to understand my subject inside and out. After I have done this, I plan to make small scale sized organs to test different materials,particulary moulds,so that the detail can be seen.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20th

Today I have have taken a break from building my sense my space 'envirnoment' because it has me frustrated. I have turned my attention to drawing and brainstorming for a new idea. As I have mind-mapped 'Sanctuary', I have a few new ideas,dealing with my love of marine biology and diving.I have colllected a few images online of human organs with the blood vessels filled with a dye and preserved without the muscle and bones. This has reminded me of corals in the ocean and I have came up with a small idea of the deep sea creatures who, in darkness, have developed bioluminescence,which I find fascinating.